Edited on Sun Mar-14-04 02:29 AM by Jen6
on Natives (especially where land/ natural resources are concerned). My cousin is Chippewa and co-founder of First Americans in the Arts, a society that recognizes Native achievements in all Arts /media. Their awards ceremony is being held next Saturday at Merv Griffin's hotel in Beverly Hills (same venue as Golden Globes) and I expect that "Hidalgo" will receive many honors because so many Natives were involved with it. I'm really bummed out, because I was supposed to attend as usual, but crushing medical bills have canceled my plans :-(. I was really looking forward to meeting Viggo Mortensen.;( *sigh*
Every year I am told by my cousin's friends that there are many great Native stories just waiting to be put on the screen, but Hollywood is wary of them because Natives make up less than 1% of America's population, and studios would rather focus on those in the greatest majorities. It's truly tragic that the most "American" among us are often the most marginalized.