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Prescription problem/question - headaches vs. depression

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rabid_nerd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 02:27 PM
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Prescription problem/question - headaches vs. depression


OK.. I've been diagnosed for a while with cluster headaches. My left side of my head from eye to neck hurts like hell.

MRI - normal
BP - normal
EKG - normal
Cholesterol - 220 (I'm gonna work on that, lol)

Every symptom I have virtually matched so well I cried when I first read it. Finally something that matches what I'm going through.

OK, so I tried calcium channel blockers during the last bout. Worked about like throwing water on an electrical fire. At first they went away after a couple days for about a week, but then I ended up with the headaches flip flopping which side of the head it wanted to be on and more frequent. It also made me feel exhausted and listless. The episode/bout stopped for a few months.

I'm back in them now, hence the tests. I had been told the next step were anti-seziure meds. I have also taken on 10x more volunteer responsibility (within the party, ironically) since my last bout and it's freaking me out. But I could handle it all (and was) without headaches. But instead of treating the headaches, I get Lexapro.

Is there any indications for Lexapro treating headaches, let alone cluster headaches?

When I can think around my headache, I'm feelin great. I don't particularly feel depressed, although I do have enough symptoms to score mild depression in some online tests ( incidentally)... Most of it was lack of ability to sleep (headaches keep me up), difficulty focusing (headaches), and so on.

The drug seems to be non-toxic, in that it doesn't appear to be a harsh medicine.

So am I just going to feel better about having headaches? LOL
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radwriter0555 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 02:34 PM
Response to Original message
1. Go to the CHIROPRACTOR please? Try to find one that does
the activator method.

No more pills. Don't need em. Treat the PROBLEm, pinched nerves in your neck, not enough exercize, not, the SYMPTOMS.

Get up and MOVE around. Walk, stretch, exercize.
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rabid_nerd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 02:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. Been there, done that...

I have basketball hoop in backyard and know all about chiropractors...
They've been no help...

I shoot hoops a few hours a week (not just standing still but layups, etc.)... With these headaches, I want to use my head for the basketball.

With these headaches loud music and shaking my head relieves the pain somewhat (unlike migraines) but lots of water does also help. Many people bang their heads against the wall to try to get relief... I just try pressure, lol... Feels like that side of head will explode, while someone's trying to slowly pull your eye out of your socket.

Excedrin dulls it, but I know it's still "there"...

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radwriter0555 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 05:05 PM
Response to Reply #4
10. what does a basketball hoop have to do with having your neck aligned
by a chiropractor?

Not a sane chiro on the planet would endorse home traction, if that's what you're talking about?

Look for one who does the activator method in your area.
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 02:51 PM
Response to Reply #1
5. i agree with the chiropractor, but i prefer the articulation..kinda scary
for some but it keeps my hands from being totally numb.
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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 03:06 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. my wife went to , the Bonati Institute for outpatient
spinal surgery. Mr Bonati invented special microscopic arthroscopic surgical tools, her previous doctor said he could only fuse her neck not fix the headaches, neck pain, weakness and numbness in her hands neck and shoulders, and the fusion could make it all worse... so we went to Florida, they have cheap places to stay, etc..the doctor came in 1/2 after a 50 minute surgery, she was awake during the surgery, it left a 1/2" scar.. and asked how she was, she started to cry and said, "the last 30 is the longest I've been without a migraine headache in 22 years. he said if she didn't feel dizzy when she stood up she could go home,...WOW! we saw people carried in on gurneys from an ambulance.. an walk out 2 hours later...In the waiting rooms people went on and on about the Miracles that happen there all day every day..:bounce:
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commander bunnypants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 02:38 PM
Response to Original message
2. Just talked to a shrink for you
No research regarding Lexapro on cluster headaches, but anti-depressants have been subscribed for headaches. Lexapro is very new on the market. If I hear of anything I will let you know

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SuffragetteSal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 02:40 PM
Response to Original message
3. I agree with Demman
anti-depressants for some amazing reason seem to have this wonderful side effect of curing headaches. I never had another headache again after I started Paxil.
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rabid_nerd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 02:53 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. OK, great...
I just feared going down a good-for-nothing/little path because I related that stuff was getting to me, lol...

We talked whether the stress came before or after the headaches, and it came after (headaches caused things to back up, pile up, too much to do too little time)...

And I just had my vacation a couple weeks ago, lol...
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ursacorwin Donating Member (528 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 03:39 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. i had migraines for years
Edited on Tue Aug-12-03 03:40 PM by ursacorwin
and you know what made them go away- forever?

wisdom teeth removed.

just like that, i was pain free after years of monthly, sometimes weekly headaches that kept me from working, walking, living...why did it work? because my teeth were gradually growing and pressing along the nerve complex (trigeminal) in my face. the nerves that have to do with sensation in the whole head area.

that said- my 0.02$ worth is that those who tell you to change your personal habits and TREAT THE ILLNESS NOT MASK THE SYMPTOMS are utterly correct.

my mom is a 30yr family medicine physician and liberal (rare thing in a doctor) and we talk all the time about the Big Lie in Medicine: that drugs are always and only the right answer. you'd be beyond scared to know just how little doctors actually know about why a drug works, or how, or for which populations. add to that the billions the drug companies spend 'training' and 'educating' doctors (via free vacations to southern resorts, been there & done that with mom) about all their wonderful 'new' products that will cure everything.

head pain is still a great mystery to western medical science, mainly because so few are willing to ask the tough, personal questions that can lead to a complex but correct diagnosis. it's sooo much easier to say, "here's a script for drug x, call me in 6 mos" and the pressure on today's physicians only encourages them to do this. so my advice to you, before you mess up your brain chemistry FOR EVER with long term use of serious drugs would be:

-recognize that 'exercise' is not all the same. head pain is often related to nerves being pinched, stressed, etc. and certain forms of activity specifically address it. Yoga, pilates, tai-chi and other balancing forms allow your body to become aware of itself, and begin the natural healing process. i'm personally a big fan of iyengar yoga, and try to practice every day. did i mention i can still fit into my jeans from high school, or that my memory has never been better since i learned to incorporate yoga into my day? there are countless other benefits to holistic practice. take if from a 15yr vet of many major sports (v'ball, track) sweating is not always the right thing.

-understand nutrition. let me recommend 'depression-free, naturally' by joan something-or-other, phd. i think, i've been using her nutritional suppliment programs to deal with my own problems, and can report that a simple combination of naturally occuring suppliments like glutamine and tryptophan work WONDERS for head pain. they even cure hangovers- in five minutes! hee hee, i can be a pretty heavy drinker if i'm being naughty, but i swear i never suffer anymore, with my suppliments ready to go and vitamins flushing thru my system.

--don't be afraid to look into other systems & issues in your life that relate to head pain. stress over money, relationships, politics, religion are MAJOR factors which affect the body a great deal. only in the West do we deny the obvious, that stressed & unhappy people are sicker more often than happy, balanced folks.

and finally

--go to an "alternative" practitioner, not just the chiropractic folks. many, many alternative exist and THEY WORK. it's just the AMA and other "big three" medical orgs (working closely with rethugs, btw) who keep all the silly legislation and insurance crap in place to prevent the spread of these practitioners. look for someone who is trained in the Uppledger technique, or who is skilled (and certified) in Chinese Traditional Medicine.

drugs, legal and otherwise, are big money for those i'm guessing you probably don't like. realize that the same type of folks sell you drugs as tried to sell you the iraq war, and you get my drift. but don't believe for a minute that chronic head pain can only be solved with drugs & invasive surgery...thousands of people like me have discovered that having an MD after your name means little if your mind is closed to new ideas.

be well!
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geniph Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-12-03 04:14 PM
Response to Original message
9. My mother suffers crippling cluster headaches
(everyone in the family has migraines) and the only thing that's ever worked on a long-term basis for her was biofeedback. She was going to a specialty pain clinic for it, and it was helping tremendously - up until her insurance quit paying for it. :mad:

So now she's back on the Percodan merry-go-round.
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