OK.. I've been diagnosed for a while with cluster headaches. My left side of my head from eye to neck hurts like hell.
MRI - normal
BP - normal
EKG - normal
Cholesterol - 220 (I'm gonna work on that, lol)
Every symptom I have virtually matched www.clusterheadaches.com so well I cried when I first read it. Finally something that matches what I'm going through.
OK, so I tried calcium channel blockers during the last bout. Worked about like throwing water on an electrical fire. At first they went away after a couple days for about a week, but then I ended up with the headaches flip flopping which side of the head it wanted to be on and more frequent. It also made me feel exhausted and listless. The episode/bout stopped for a few months.
I'm back in them now, hence the tests. I had been told the next step were anti-seziure meds. I have also taken on 10x more volunteer responsibility (within the party, ironically) since my last bout and it's freaking me out. But I could handle it all (and was) without headaches. But instead of treating the headaches, I get Lexapro.
Is there any indications for Lexapro treating headaches, let alone cluster headaches?
When I can think around my headache, I'm feelin great. I don't particularly feel depressed, although I do have enough symptoms to score mild depression in some online tests (www.lexapro.com incidentally)... Most of it was lack of ability to sleep (headaches keep me up), difficulty focusing (headaches), and so on.
The drug seems to be non-toxic, in that it doesn't appear to be a harsh medicine.
So am I just going to feel better about having headaches? LOL