Yep they sound pretty familiar of course there's always the dandy COINTELPRO of course that's kind of mainstream, how about the Morgan Dupont coup of '33.
And let's see Democratic interventions...
Wilson-Haiti, Dominican Republic
Truman-Greece, Korea, Taiwan
Kennedy-Cuba, Vietnam
Johnson-continue Vietnam (doesn't count), Laos
Carter-Afghanistan, Iran
Clinton-Somalia, Yugoslavia, Iraq
That's 13 just off the top of my head, but with a little research.
WilsonMEXICO/ 19l3/ Naval/ Americans evacuated during revolution.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/ 1914/ Naval/ Fight with rebels over
Santo Domingo.
MEXICO/ 1914-18/ Naval, troops/ Series of interventions against
HAITI/ 1914-34/ Troops, bombing/ 19-year occupation after revolts.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/ 1916-24/ Troops/ 8-year Marine
CUBA/ 1917-33/ Troops/ Military occupation, economic protectorate.
WORLD WAR I/ 19l7-18/ Naval, troops/ Ships sunk, fought Germany.
RUSSIA/ 1918-22/ Naval, troops/ Five landings to fight Bolsheviks.
PANAMA/ 1918-20/ Troops/ 'Police duty' during unrest after elections.
YUGOSLAVIA/ 1919/ Troops/ Marines intervene for Italy against
Serbs in Dalmatia.
HONDURAS/ 1919/ Troops/ Marines land during election campaign.
FDRWORLD WAR II/ 1941-45/ Naval,troops, bombing, nuclear/ Fought
Axis for 3 years; 1st nuclear war.
TrumanIRAN/ 1946/ Nuclear threat/ Soviet troops told to leave north (Iranian
YUGOSLAVIA/ 1946/ Naval/ Response to shooting-down of
URUGUAY/ 1947/ Nuclear threat/ Bombers deployed as show of
GREECE/ 1947-49/ Command operation/ U.S. directs extreme-right in
civil war.
CHINA/ 1948-49/ Troops/ Marines evacuate Americans before
Communist victory.
GERMANY/ 1948/ Nuclear threat/ Atomic-capable bombers guard
Berlin Airlift.
PHILIPPINES/ 1948-54/ Command operation/ CIA directs war against
Huk Rebellion.
PUERTO RICO\ 1950/ Troops, naval, bombing, nuclear threats/
Independence rebellion crushed in Ponce.
KOREA/ 1951-53(-?)/ U.S.& South Korea fight China & North Korea
to stalemate; A bomb threat in 1950, & vs.China in 1953. Still have
KennedyCUBA/ 1961/ Command operation/ CIA-directed exile invasion
GERMANY/ 1961/ Nuclear threat/ Alert during Berlin Wall crisis.
CUBA/ 1962/ Nuclear threat/ Naval Blockade during missile
crisis; near-war with USSR.
LAOS/ 1962/ Command operation/ Military buildup during
guerrilla war.
JohnsonPANAMA/ 1964/ Troops/ Panamanians shot for urging canal's
INDONESIA/ 1965/ Command operation/ Million killed in CIAassisted
army coup.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/ 1965-66/ Troops, bombing/ Marines
land during election campaign.
GUATEMALA/ 1966-67/ Command operation/ Green Berets
intervene against rebels.
DETROIT/ 1967/ Troops/ Army battles Blacks, 43 killed.
UNITED STATES/ 1968/ Troops/ After King is shot; over 21,000
soldiers in cities.
CarterANGOLA/ 1976-92/ Command operation/ CIA assists South
African-backed rebels.
IRAN/ 1980/ Troops, nuclear threat, aborted bombing/ 8 troops die
in plane crash. Soviets warned not to get involved in
I guess they left out the revolution we started in Afganistan in '79
ClintonSOMALIA/ 1992-94/ Troops, naval, bombing/ U.S.-led United Nations
occupation during civil war; raids against one Mogadishu faction.
YUGOSLAVIA/ 1992-94/ Naval/ Nato blockade of Serbia and
BOSNIA/ 1993-95/ Jets, bombing/ No-fly zone patrolled in civil war;
downed jets, bombed Serbs.
HAITI/ 1994-96/ Troops, naval/ Blockade against military government;
troops restore President Aristide to office three years after coup.
CROATIA/ 1995/ Bombing/ Krajina Serb airfields attacked before
Croatian offensive.
ZAIRE (CONGO)/ 1996-97/ Troops/ Marines at Rwandan Hutu refuge
camps, in area where Congo revolution begins.
LIBERIA/ 1997/ Troops/ Soldiers under fire during evacuation of
ALBANIA/ 1997/ Troops/ Soldiers under fire during evacuation of
SUDAN/ 1998/ Missiles/ Attack on pharmaceutical plant alleged to be
'terrorist' nerve gas plant.
AFGHANISTAN/ 1998/ Missiles / Attack on former CIA training
camps used by Islamic fundamentalist groups alleged to have
attacked embassies.
IRAQ/ 1998-?/ Bombing, Missiles/ Four days of intensive air strikes
after weapons inspectors allege Iraqi obstructions.
YUGOSLAVIA/ 1999 - ?/ Bombing, Missiles/ NATO air strikes after
Serbia declines to withdraw from Kosovo. NATO occupation of