... if it is a coincidence that you ask this on the eve of your job "interview"? Most people identify the word(s) "pow-wow" with a Indian celebration. In fact, the original word comes from the Adarondak (or Algonquian) word for a specific type of "medicine person," or healer. The Pennsylvania Dutch were "neighbors" with the Lenape up until the early 1800s. My guess is that if someone in your family used the words "pow-wow" in regard to medicine, that would be the likely connection. There are no Lenape left today. There are a few "new age" folks that are sincere, but confused. Also in that area were the Susquehannocks, an Iroquoian people who moved primarily into the clans of the Onondaga Nation after the Revolution. There are some charlatans and some emotionally disturbed people "practicing" pow-wow "healing" ceremonies. Please avoid them. If you have a serious question, feel free to ask me. Good luck on your interview tomorrow. Tell the truth, and everything will be okay! Believe me that all of the healing power you need is right there inside of you!