Just a few days with nothing to do, nowhere to go, do deadlines, no meetings, no committees to chair, no commitments, no decisions to make.
I'm so busy I wake up in the middle of the night just to pre-worry about what I have to do the next day. I have multiple lists with my commitments and activities. And yes, it's just me, as my only child is grown and left home and I'm partnerless.
Who wants to take over and be me? Here's what you have to do in the next few days if you want to be me.
First you have a meeting today at 4:00 for planning a concert you're promoting. Then you have a meeting at 7 pm for the peace and justice coalition. Thursday you have to chair a meeting at 6:30 and plan the road trip to Fresno in April. Its also your deadline for mailing your brother's, niece's and sister-in-law's birthday presents, which you bought last night and wrapped this morning.
Saturday is your best friend's surprise birthday party that you've been planning. And bring beer -- and you like Bass Ale, Sierra Nevada and Newcastle so you get to pick.
You can have fun on Sunday. It's the vernal equinox and you have plans.
Any takers? Who wants to be me?