When Mrs. V. and I are formally wed, no matter what thoughts our vows contain, this will be among them.
I love Kathy with all my heart and soul and spirit and strength. I'm going to do all I can to meet her needs for the rest of our lives. The needs I can't meet, I'll enable her to meet them herself. I'll support her in everything she does. I'll be at her side for every tough luck day, every new ache, every tragedy, and every single god damn red light in traffic.
I won't just be here during the good times, baby. I didn't wait 36 1/2 years, then move 2,600 miles, just for a little nooky. I'm the happiest, luckiest, most contented woman on earth because we are together. You're stuck with me.
I adore you. You are the love of my life.