There's this tiny town in Georgia named Villa Rica, they have a "newspaper" there called the "Villa Rica Voice," that is basically a hopelessly partisan birdcage liner with less content then a High School paper.
(Back in 2000, it ran an editorial cartoon showing Bush as Superman right after the GOP convention, and a guy on the ground says, "Nice bounce.")
The "editor" of this paper, Stan Hardegree has this psychotic obsession with the Clintons, ANY of the Clintons, an obsessive hatred.
But they have a "Talk Back" section, that gives no idea just how to "Talk Back."
So I'm guessing Stan simply makes up these "Talk Back" segments.
• If anybody booed President Bush at Daytona Sunday, whoever booed was drowned out by a quarter million people cheering him.
• Seems that in the modern Democrat party, the best idea, a la Bill Clinton, is not to have a military record at all.
• Villa Rica, get your yellow ribbons out. We are still fighting over there. Keep the ribbons out until our kids come home!
• I think President Bush is doing a good job. He’s the only one that endured an attack on the country like the one on 9-11. Stan does this "editorials," that are nothing but far-right screeds taken straight from Rush/Coulter/etc.
If you want, look up in the archives for his "You May Be A Clinton Rumpswab," he penned this screed back in 1999, and is SOOOOOO proud of it, every year he posts it into message board forums he is in.
(It showed up once in Free Republic.)
Here's a recent one that does nothing but repeat the right-wing talking posts he's been spoon-fed.
Kerry's foolish arrogance
Sometimes politicians say things so abnormally stupid that their comments stop debate in its tracks.
Consider this excerpt from John Kerry’s letter to President Bush last week:
"I ask you to elevate the remarkably negative tone of your campaign and your party over the past year...."
"As you well know, Vietnam was a very difficult and painful period in our nation’s history, and the struggle for our veterans continues. So, it has been hard to believe that you would choose to reopen these wounds for your personal political gain. But, that is what you have chosen to do."
"I will not sit back and allow my patriotism to be challenged."
Later Kerry added this bit of "elevated" political rhetoric:
"Saxby Chambliss, on the part of the president and his henchmen, decided today to question my commitment to the defense of our nation." anyone is wondering, I've been locking horns with this jerk on the Fidonet for nearly 10 years now, and besides what I mention above, one of his tactics most often seen is to lie and spread innuendos.
In fact, he once made a borderline obscene remark about the (then) 16 or 17 year old Chelsea Clinton.