And the guy's losing his shit on Twitter after being outed as a wingnut.
Here's my GD crosspost: @blakeshelton, Now I know why my wife & step-daughter likes you. You are also a tell it like it is guy. Love thatabout 2 hours ago from web
3. - thescottbaio is real. "Is this car green enough"? lolabout 4 hours ago from TwitPic
7. People say that "I'm going against the Grain" Growing up I was taught the Conservative way WAS "The Grain" People w/ huge values was THE WAYabout 8 hours ago from web
8. @stopbeck, yes, I am Scott Baio. I also LOVE Glen Beck, so you prob. shouldn't follow me. Take careabout 8 hours ago from web
9. Then tomorrow I'm sending out packages to our spec. needs families. (winter coats 4 kids) But I bet you won't blog about that, huh????about 8 hours ago from web
10. Hey peeps, I'm going to dinner. You wanna blog about that too.about 8 hours ago from web
11. P.S. AND if you have to engage "this D list actor" YOUR WORDS, you are more pathetic than you realize. Life is great, well mine is anyway.about 9 hours ago from web
12. Funny how liberals are all free and open to shit UNTIL Conservatives say something THEY don't like. Suggestion to libs, DON'T Follow meabout 9 hours ago from web
13. Awe I'd love for Ren to be on Meet the Press, She is sharp.about 9 hours ago from web
14. Scott Baio is NOT a Republican, Scott Baio IS a Conservative. RT that.about 15 hours ago from web
15. She is a true southern girl (also 1/2 American Indian) and can def. square off with any lib. You guys called Bush far worse, so just chill.about 15 hours ago from web
16. Also my wife has the same freedoms as you and I, so therefore she CAN call whomever she wants a "Shitfuck" you don't have to like it.about 15 hours ago from web
17. Only to have these libs try to go public with MY REPLY TO THEIR NASTINESS.... That's okay because every dog will have their day. unfollow meabout 15 hours ago from web
18. So funny how I tweet MY thoughts and libs jump all over me after they disrespect ME, then I DM them in private them to be a good guy.about 15 hours ago from web
19. Hey people last time I checked I have the right to freedom of speech, Libs may hate that but I DO HAVE MY RIGHTS TOO, Now go Blog that!!!!about 15 hours ago from web
20. @gwenhayes, yeah and Michael Vick still plays football. What's ur point? They both are losers.6:38 PM Oct 9th from web
21. Someone said that the best thing about the cash for clunkers is, now most of the obama stickers are GONE!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!!6:27 PM Oct 9th from web
22. Wife calls Obama a "Shitfuck" and I believe she's right.12:22 PM Oct 9th from web
23. Rush is going off on Obama for winning the "Dumbbell" Prize. The is a sad day for Americans.11:34 AM Oct 9th from web a douchebag!