MIAMI (Reuters) - A Florida warehouse employee noticed the can of orange juice didn't quite smell right but took a sip anyway.
He called the cops when his tongue went numb.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said on Thursday the 18-ounce (500-ml) can of juice from Jamaica contained liquid cocaine that would have sold for about $40,000 on the street.
It was probably bought at a Jamaican grocery store, emptied, injected with cocaine and packaged with a shipment of real fruit juice before being sent to Fort Lauderdale on a plane, agents said. The can bore a label reading "Grace Fruit Drink."
"It was a warehouse employee who found it. It smelled bad but he took a sip of it. It didn't taste very good and his tongue went numb," said Nina Pruneda, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.