Confessions of a Christmas Junkie
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Tue Dec-08-09 04:57 PM
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Confessions of a Christmas Junkie |
i have 6 christmas trees.
yes 6, and number 7 will go up later this week.
over 20 years i have collected these trees and the assorted ornaments.
the gift side of christmas, i don't care much for.
but i love entertaining friends and i love the glitz side of christmas.
i can wander from one room to the next and just never be out of the sight of a tree.
this year i got my mom's old tree!!! i just put in my bedroom.
i keep this menagerie going until end of January and then it all disappears.
when people come to my house they love it, it is just so festive. most just wonder about how i have the energy for it and perhaps one day i won't but i do so love the lights and the way ornaments twinkle.
there i feel much better letting that off my chest.
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