doggy style
whilst contemplating Kierkegaard and Plato before noon my dog sat very patiently next to me in the room My brow was furrowed deep in thought my mannerisms vague when thus I felt my little pooch a scratching at my leg
"Oh lady dear, philosopher, oh genius, oracle? I need to poop, I truly do, my bowels are truly full.. so, if you could unglue your ass from that existential bard I REALLY REAALLY NEED TO POOP please take me to the yard"
We wandered out his joy unbound he pooped he sniffed along the ground he jumped he barked he chased a squirrel he hopped and leaped and did a whirl.
And in one moment , swoop, I saw no book nor words can be as wise nor brilliant as the puppy scratching next to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o wintry filth o blacken'd slush! o vile wet moisture's thunderous crush, o neighbour's blasting blowing WHIRRRR their coarse machines whilst cursing BRRRRR!, o tires spin o autos slice into deep drifts across foul ice, o calamitous season, damn-ed nature's ring! and then, voila! it turns to spring! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the battle
Newtonians stomp their feet and scream how dare you say their world is dream! the Quantum blokes retort in kind Throw out your clocks! Unwind! Unwind!
The furious battle doth ensue gravitious apples thrown, mon dieu! Newtonians armed with facts and time attempt to conquer String theory Crime
Oh woe! neutrinos blazing wonder The Quantum warriors sit, and ponder this is just a silly Brawl why fight what is not there at all?