Dante's Inferno defines nine circles of Hell. They are:
First Circle/Limbo: Here reside the unbaptized and virtuous pagans--people who were basically good, but didn't accept Christ. You can't go to heaven if you haven't accepted Christ, but you don't deserve punishment if you haven't been a bad person, so you go to Limbo. It's nice there--green fields and a castle, plus you get to hang out with Homer, Ovid and Socrates.
Second Circle: Holds those overcome by lust. There's a constant hurricane, and you can never get away from its winds.
Third Circle: Holds the gluttons. They have to lie in freezing rain and hail for all eternity.
Fourth Circle: The greedy have to joust using great weights.
Fifth Circle: The River Styx runs through here. The wrathful have to fight each other, and the slothful lie gurgling beneath the waters.
Sixth Circle: Heretics are trapped in flaming tombs.
Seventh Circle: The violent are here, and there are three rings for them to be in. People violent against people and property are immersed in a river of boiling blood--this is where Bush is going to go. Suicides are transformed into trees which are torn at by the Harpies, and the violent against God, Nature and Order are stuck in a desert of flaming sand. Violent against God (blasphemers) lie on the sand, violent against order (usurers) sit on it and the others wander around.
Eighth Circle: People guilty of fraud are here. There are ten places they can go--panderers and seducers, flatterers, people who bought priesthoods, corrupt politicians, hypocrites, thieves, Karl Rove, sowers of discord and falsifiers all have their own punishments--Rove is encased in "individual flames," corrupt politicians are immersed in boiling pitch and flatterers are immersed in human shit.
Ninth Circle: Traitors, who are frozen in ice for all eternity.
And then there's the center of Hell, where Satan himself resides.
I think Oral is going either to the fourth circle (if you use the "God's going to call me home if you don't send me $40 million by the weekend" thing) or the eighth circle (if you see him as a false prophet).