"ElephIno" (works best with 5-7 year olds who've learned that you're not supposed to say "hell") As usual, even my childhood jokes are inappropriate. Like this shaggy dog:
 A big pig, carrying a shopping bag, walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender there thinks it's kind of strange to see a pig order a beer, but he shrugs, 'cause a paying customer is still a paying customer. So he pours the pig a beer and the pig gulps it down.
"Yummy," the pig says, "Now, before I go, where's your bathroom?"
The bartender points over to the men's room and the pig goes there, comes out a few minutes later, waves so long, and leaves.
Well, the bartender is just scratching his head when a second big pig--he's a bit skinnier and has no shopping bag--walks through the front door and orders a beer. Now this is certainly a weird site, but a paying customer is still a paying customer. So he pours the pig a beer and the pig gulps it down.
"Yummy," the second pig says, "But before I go, where's your bathroom?"
The bartender gestures over to the men's room and this pig also goes off to relieve himself before leaving. And that second pig is not long gone before a third pig, just a bit smaller than the first two, walks into the bar, saddles up the counter and orders a beer.
"Man, I just had the biggest lunch ever. Barkeep, lemme have something cold to wash it down!"
Now today is by far the oddest day the bartender has ever seen in his entire career. But as they say, a paying customer is still a paying customer. He pours the pig a beer and the pig takes it and gulps it down just as fast as the other two.
"Yummy," the third pig says, "Now tell me, where's your bathroom?"
"Right over there," the bartender says. The pig goes in, comes out, waves good-bye just like the others, and departs.
The bartender is thinking he has definitely got a great story to tell his family, when yet another pig, this one just a bit smaller than the last, walks in through the front door and hops up on the barstool.
"By thunder, I'm famished," the pig says, "Let me have a beer, buddy."
The bartender is at a loss to explain any of today's events, but is only too happy to comply, because after all, a paying customer is still a paying customer. So once again he pours the pig a beer and the pig gulps it down. And once again the customer inquires about the bathroom before departing.
"Right over yonder," the bartender points. The pig hops down off the stool, ambles in, gives out a good flush, and ambles out again. "So long," the bartender waves to this pig, who waves back and heads out the door.
And just a few moments later, yet one more pig comes into the bar and scrambles up onto the stool. This pig is by far the smallest one yet--so small that the bartender has to ask to see his ID before serving him a drink. But the pig is over 21 and is a paying customer (and like the old saying goes, a paying customer is still a paying customer), so the bartender gladly serves him a beer, too.
Well, he gulps down his beer just like the others, then spins around on his barstool, hops off, and heads toward the front door, waving good-bye to the bartender.
"Wait, wait!" cries the bartender, "Aren't you going to go to the bathroom first?"
The pig turns around and says, "Oh, no. I'm the one that goes 'Wee-wee all the way home'." Thank you, thank you.  I'll be here all week.