So I'm trying to add a Sunpro water/oil/battery gauge cluster onto my 1990 Caddy Fleetwood. She's got a 4-barrel Olds 307Y, and I'm stuck with the water gauge sensor. See, there's a long cable runs off the gauge, through the firewall, into the socket for the sensor on the manifold that works the coolant idiot light, and while the nut for the gauge sensor screws in okay, it doesn't make a tight seal because of the narrow diameter of the sensor cable itself and water leaks out, so I've been unable to install it. I'll see if I could get some pictures to illustrate what I'm talking about...
I was wondering if anyone else has had experience dealing with a 307 in this way, or has any suggestions in general? Someone mentioned a certain type of sealing tape to me once, but I can't remember the specifics.
Thanks for any advice you can give me.