Some of the longtermers here might remember her, as she used to post under the name Minimandaruth.
She decided that her senior project would be to register every 18 or soon to be 18 year old at her high-school to vote!
She had to get permission from school administrators and was lucky enough to find a teacher willing to help with the details. She printed up these notices to hand out, and also was on the school radio station --
“Your’re finally 18, and there are so many cool things you can do now. One of them is vote. There are so many reasons to vote, reasons that are directly linked with your own life. Voting on political leaders, initiatives for laws, and even levys such as the one facing our school district, are all very important. Do your part and register today.”
She tells me that when she faces resistance or procrastination among her school chums, she just whispers that she has heard, on the down low, that band, or the basketball program or math club are on the chopping block depending on results of the next levy, and that seems to do the trick. :rofl: :rofl: Such a politician already.
She has, at times been overwhelmed with everything this year, taking 2 AP classes, being in jazz, symphonic and marching band, and also her sports, plus looking at different colleges. She is busy and often exhausted, but happy, I think.
I just am so proud of her, and thought that the DU crowd might want to know, as the discussions she had on this site help form her political leanings, and the willingness to become involved. She tells me she can't wait to vote for Obama's second term, which will be her first presidential election.
Olivia, honey -----> :loveya: :loveya: :loveya: :loveya: :yourock: :yourock: :toast: O8)