Today in Government class, we got back the grades for our article summaries. I chose one about the halting of gay marriages in San Francisco. The night that I wrote that, I was very depressed. The article itself made me sad, and the fact that a friend was going off about gay people made me feel even worse. Basically, the summary is a lament about how humans are cruel and oppressive, and how it's not even worth it to keep fighting against it. Being that I have a gay brother and friends, I care deeply about discrimination. My teacher, Mr. Cox, I admire greatly and he is a liberal like myself. Here is what he wrote on my paper (I got a 100 by the way)...
"I agree with you completely. But don't be discouraged. Despite often overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I believe we are gradually, slowly, but measurably, making progress towards a world where all people can coexist peacefully, without being judged or limited by others. Just look at the progress in American society, a relatively conservative one at that, over the past 25 years. If they're old enough, ask your gay/lesbian friends about the changes they've seen. From as minor as a character like Jack on "Will & Grace" to as significant as same-sex couples being allowed to adopt children. Sometimes social progress is painfully slow (ask the next African-American you meet) but don't give up, Lisa. It is people like you who help push the world towards more justice and tolerance."
It actually made me cry.