Nollaig shona duit!
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Thu Dec-24-09 04:42 PM
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Joyeux Noël et bonne année! Prettige kerstdagen en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Sretan Božić! Buon Natale! Veselé vánoce a šťastný nový rok! Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou! God jol og godt nyttår! Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda! Sinifesela uKhisimusi oMuhle noNyaka oMusha oNempumelelo! Chúc Giáng Sinh Vui Vẻ và Chúc Năm Mới Tốt Lành! Wesołych świąt i szczęśliwego nowego roku! Danistayohihv & Aliheli'sdi Itse Udetiyvasadisv! Geseënde Kersfees! ajmil at-tihānī bimunāsabah al-mīlād wa ḥilūl as-sanah al-jadīdah! Maligayang Pasko, Manigong bagong taon! Alassëa Hristomerendë! Alassëa Vinyarië! QISmaS botIvjaj 'ej DIS chu' botIvjaj!
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Thu Dec-24-09 04:49 PM
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1. Same to you, pal! *wave* |
Lydia Leftcoast
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Thu Dec-24-09 04:57 PM
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2. Kurisumasu o-medetou, soshite douzo yoi o-toshi wo |
Shengdan kuai le, xin nian kauai le Priecigus Ziemas Svetkus un laimigu jaungadu
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Thu Dec-24-09 07:42 PM
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Thu Dec-24-09 07:47 PM
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4. ¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo! |
Χαρούμενα Χριστούγεννα και καλή χρονιά!
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Fri Dec-25-09 05:46 PM
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5. Wow, Arabs go all out when they say "Merry Christmas". |
Edited on Fri Dec-25-09 06:06 PM by Odin2005
The Vietnamese greeting is cool, too!
Elu'a Nataliwi dolawesumawipi kegayesati. :)
(that's my new constructed language glossed as...)
"Happy Christmas New-Year-and have-may-you-it"
AY-loo-'ah NAH-tah-lee-wee DOH-lah-way-soo-mah-wee-pee KAY-ngah-yay-sah-tee
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Fri Dec-25-09 10:32 PM
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6. I always said "...a me Hau'oli Makahiki Hou". |
good to see 'olelo Hawai'i above Swedish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, etc. :thumbsup:
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:34 PM
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