When my computer and monitor were taken, I got a great deal on a 24 inch LCD to replace it. Damn near as big as my TV, and better quality. Plus, the flip side of that is that if anything happens to the monitor(burned pixels, gesture and toss a pen into the screen, cracking it), or if you just want an upgrade at some point, you can replace that easily with the pro, where I feel certain it is harder with the integrated screen.
Going to the mac-store, On top of not wanting the portability, the macbook costs as much as the imac, and in my experience has less likelihood of lasting as long (laptops and heat issues go hand in hand, in my experience), so I would mark that off from the start
From the macstore, Imac runs 1199 to 1999. Mac pro runs 2499 to 3299
So your Imac is actually less expensive. But it ain't as fancy. I think the cost of a screen is less than the price difference between the computers.
What do you do on the music level? Internet use isnt all that demanding, some music can be more so, by my understanding. Do you expect that your use needs will remain constant for the next 6 years that you expect to have this computer?
I guess it comes down to whether you expect that the Imac will do what you need for as long as you need it too, or whether you think your needs may increase in the future enough to justify the greater expense of a computer with greater capacity. And only you can really venture a guess at what your future holds.