generations these 2 words in tiny newspaper ads and on a small sign hung on the door of the sturdy block Kraut Haus on Rte. 220 in Waldoboro have called countless Mainers to a fall tradition. Whether drawn by long-forgotten German roots common in the midcoast, or habit borne of generations, Morse's Sauerkraut has been a part of autumn in Maine for nearly a century.
The only difference today is that this once “fall-only” treat is now available year-round. If you're “from away” this is NOT your father's sauerkraut! Our fresh 'kraut made with Maine-grown cabbage has no preservatives and is hand packed with its own brine straight from the same barrel in which the raw cabbage fermented and became this wonderful product. The unadulterated and non-pasteurized fresh 'kraut differs from all processed sauerkraut partly because the state of fermentation continues into the packaging of your individual order. With our fresh 'kraut your palate will experience a range of flavors over its 6-8 week shelf life span. In its early stages, young 'kraut will have a crispy, crunchy texture and the brine, a slightly sweet taste. As the 'kraut cures and undergoes aging, the brine becomes more acidic creating a tangy, zippier flavor. No matter when you choose to eat it, you'll find our fresh 'kraut bears no resemblance to its mushy processed substitute.