We provided the hearse used to steal his body from the airport. Those of you unfamiliar with the story, Gram LOVED, LOVED LOVED the desert, particularly Joshua Tree...very mystical energy zones out there. He always professed that should he die, he wanted to be cremated there in the desert. Now, back then, we gathered in groups of like minded individuals, and the mutual shared experiences created a strong bond that many felt transcended their own blood ties.....in the times where many felt that their own families were the "old guard" and conflicted with the "new" way we looked at things.
Long story short we felt that his old line east coast family was wrong to want to return him and bury him in a cemetery....it wasn't what Gram "wanted". So, his body was stolen and taken to Joshua tree where it was burned in a final farewell. IN retrospect, we were really full of ourselves, weren't we?