drop out of my doctoral program if I want to start a family. He's a 73 year-old Mexican immigrant. I didn't need to say much back, though. My husband and sister-in-law both became furious with him, with my sister-in-law telling him that he was being extremely rude and that it was "none of his business."
He's kind of an impish, peevish person whose arrogance and illogic leads him to say sometimes cruel or disrespectful things. I at first ignored him, and wrote him off as being childish and intrusive. But it has made me and my husband very angry since then. I told my husband that my family believes in strong, educated women, and his father has no right telling someone else's daughter how to live her life. My husband agrees, but he's rather upset.
My father-in-law can sometimes bully my husband, but I don't want to dictate to him what to do. However, I want my husband to maintain some self-respect.
((Sigh)) drama.
On a good note: I'm going to see Craig Ferguson in concert this weekend!