AARGH! Having to get a new credit card number is a PAIN IN THE ASS!
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Thu Jan-07-10 01:10 PM
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AARGH! Having to get a new credit card number is a PAIN IN THE ASS! |
On the plus side: CitiBank caught a "weird" charge attempt from the UK for almost $400 and blocked it.
On the FUCKED UP SIDE: I had to cancel that number and have them issue a new one for the account. That was about three months ago and I'm STILL finding places that were on auto-pay, auto-renew, or just a stored number (like Papa John's). I just got off the phone with the newspaper. They called yesterday and I fixed the problem but it hadn't posted until a few minutes into the call I got today.
I try to minimize such problems by keeping as much of this shit as possible on one card. Guess which card got hit with the scam this time!
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Thu Jan-07-10 01:19 PM
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1. I have been endlessly annoyed by one of my credit cards |
calling to verify charges. But they came through for me when I stupidly signed up for a "free 30 day trial" product on a website to discover that I had to return the remaining product within 2 weeks AND call to cancel (the product arrived in 12 days) and the number you called never answered OR they would keep shipping you product for $80/pop. So, in other words I got two days to try the product and decide to return or be subjected to charges.
The credit card company reversed ALL the charges when I complained to them.
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Thu Jan-07-10 01:20 PM
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2. In general, the CC company will side with the consumer in disputes like that. |
The burden of proof is on the vendor.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:48 PM
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