Maggie Bailey, crowned the 2009 National Watermelon Queen, is from Vincennes, Indiana. As National Watermelon Queen, she will travel throughout the U.S. and abroad, promoting the watermelon industry and making guest appearances at special events and in the media.
She will give selection tips, food safety tips and information about the nutritional and culinary benefis of watermelon. She will also educate consumers on watermelon’s versatility and economic value.Inexplicably, I appear to be on the
National Watermelon Promotion Board's mailing list. Fear not, I will keep you all appraised of watermelon-related goings-on. :D
...If you're curious, this year's queen will be crowned in March at the national convention, held again at the Casino Aztar Hotel in Evansville, Indiana. I advise booking a room TODAY!!! :D