the fucked up, automated, piece of shit, worthless, gutless, over blown, over rated, glitchy, time-consuming whore of an invention known as the online registration form?
...."Your username is already being used"....
...."An email already exists in our database with that name"....
... "Your password is invalid"...
... "All fields mark in red must be filled out"...
... "You need to crap in a box and send it to us so we can verify your dna"...
I'm trying to activate a simple goddamn free motherfucking trial for a piece of crap shitbox of a music mixing program and the stupid corporate fucksticks are so concerned with making me jump through these piss-ant hoops, that they can even see that they're losing thousands and thousands of potential customers, who don't feel like being shit on just to use a 30 fucking day free fucking trial.
My response to you brain-dead assholes is this (and I wish you had a special 'field' for it)....
If I see you near my house, I'm banging you upside the head with a bag of dirt.
Register that, you bastards.