totally unmoderated, the wild west of the internets. I finally got tired of the same arguments over and over again. The gun nuts never came up with anything new, the theists never came up with anything new, it was always the same old crap.
Once, I got in a religious debate with some idiot. This has been over ten years ago, so I don't remember the details. Basically, he made a statement that I recognized as the beginnings of a standard argument for the existence of god. I just jumped four steps and made what appeared to be a completely non sequitur reply. He was confused, so I laid out what I should have replied, then how he would have replied to that, etc. He never responded.:evilgrin:
My moment of glory, however, I didn't realize was anything special at first. Someone named Mary Rosh showed up on our newsgroup towards the beginning of a debate about John Lott's book "More Guns, Less Crime." She was all for the book. Claimed to be a grad student of Lott's. I kicked her ass, metaphorically, over the course of three or four days. One of the other regulars found out a couple of weeks later that Mary Rosh was a sock puppet created by John Lott himself. He was all over the Amazon review boards, and all over Usenet, defending his book.
Good times.