Perhaps those of you in California noticed a news story today about how all 168 DMV offices here had their computers go down.
Well, I didn't know about that when I set out for the DMV this afternoon. Ironically, I left the house just minutes before the story would appear in my local newspaper's website. Had I seen it, I would most certainly have postponed the trip!
I had been checking the DMV website every day for the past couple of weeks to see how busy they were (they show how long the wait is for those without an appointment) and today the wait time was only something like 30 minutes so I figured it was time to brave the trip, even though it was still raining a bit.
So I get there and notice the sign now says the wait time is only like 20 minutes, and the place is nearly empty and I'm so excited that I seem to have come on the right day at the right time!
When I get to the window I asked the woman there if this was normal and then she tells me that their computers had been down for a few hours earlier and so the customers all left.
I was in and out of there (license renewal) in less than half an hour, total!!
I thought it must be my lucky day! And then when I got home, I saw the SCOTUS news story and now it's turned into a really shitty day after all.
But at least I got my drivers license renewed!