Hi, Tobin!
I really liked your ad on craigslist. You sound like JUST the kinda
guy I've been looking for. There DO seem to be some "roadblocks"
(see... "trucker" humor already), but if you're
really serious about
a longterm relationship, they're just "minor bumps in the road"
(lol, lol, lol, lol, lol).
First, I'm a guy. No "big" deal (nudgenudge, winkwink). And I like
crack and cheap tequila, but I SWEAR this is the decade I'm gonna
cut back on those two things.
No... ... ...
Speaking of "really", I really want to have sex with you, but this
is my wife's email account, so s-h-h-h-h-h on that for now ;). I do
have 5 kids that I'd like to take along with us. One of the boys,
NascarBilly, is even pottytrained (he's the oldest at 38).
I'm not familiar with this "internet porn" thing. Maybe you could
show me what it is and where I can get some, too.
I don't have a CDL, but I do have a coupla outstanding warrants that
I can show you.
I just KNOW you'll like this next part. Below is a picture of my breast
implants. Yeah, yeah, they're really uneven, but that's because I got
such a "great deal" on them (nudgenudge winkwink). No, I haven't had
the surgery yet, but who knows, you could be THE lucky one to reap
the benefits of that surgery as my "financier".
In your next ad, include directions to the nearest Tim Horton's here
in Crawfishjaw, Mississippi. When we have our "meat" (lol,lol), bring
along $19.95 and I'll let you take my picture with your cellphone.
I'm assuming you HAVE a cellphone. If you don't, nevermind... this
whole deal's OFF, Mister Man.
Looking for to (lol) our "meat".
P.S. OK, OK... I AM a prostitute, but only on the weekends.
P.P.S. And Tuesdays through Fridays.
P.P.P.S. But that's ALL.
P.P.P.P.S. No... ... ...