She doesn't have a computer or even a typewriter. So she mails me stuff.
I think also, that because I used to write for a newspaper, she thinks I'm pretty good at putting together her thoughts in a coherent way.
Thing is, I don't always agree with her. She's very much a Democrat, but even Democrats can disagree on things from time to time (I think I see some hearty disagreements in GD every now and then).
And this time, she didn't send a letter... she just sent a list of random topics and her very quick thoughts on each of them, and she wants me to put it all together.
Sorry, mom... but I don't know how to put an argument together for a flat tax... I don't agree with it.
The other thing is, my home computer is down for the count. The only place I could to this is here at work. And the semester just started--there's NO TIME!