A year ago, I had surgery for a benign brain tumor. Unbeknownst to me, my husband finally received the check in December to cover the surgeon's fee (he and I were separated at the time). He casually mentioned this to me the other day. He said he had to open a special account for the check, and the funds were not yet available to pay the surgeon. I asked him if he had made a copy of the check, and he said he didn't. I also asked him why he didn't forward the check to the surgeon's office. He said that "NationsBank" wouldn't allow that.
If you are familiar with my previous posts, you would know that my husband is an alcoholic.
I asked him where the checks were for this "special" account, and he didn't know. I found them in our office. According to the deposit slip, a portion of the funds became available on 12/9/09; the remainder became available on 12/14/09.
He is now refusing to sign a check for me to send to the surgeon, believing the money is best suited for other expenses. When I told him that that constituted insurance fraud, he muttered something along the lines of "fuck you", then went to bed.
Now I realize that my marriage is not salvageable, but what should I do with respect to the surgeon's bill? Should I just forge my husband's signature to the check? Should I hope that tomorrow if he sobers up, he will be more reasonable?
Getting married was the biggest mistake of my life. If I live long enough to get out of it, I promise to never do it again.