that the Fox News Channel has declared victory in the propaganda war against Iraq and anyone not in favor of it, they’ve set their sights on a new target – the Segway personal transporter and its inventor, Dean Kamen.
"Obviously, the Segway is not fair and balanced, unlike Fox News, which is always fair and balanced," Fox star
Bill O’Reilly panted. He then began a six-minute monologue which bored this reporter to tears, but the general gist of which was that Fox News is good and liberals are spawned from carp and platypi.
Sean Hannity branded Segway inventor Dean Kamen "a God-forsaken liberal for inventing a mode of transportation that does not support the US automotive industry or the oil that fuels it."
Neil Cavuto called for the Justice Department to investigate Kamen and his company, DEKA Research and Development. "What kind of man makes his money by thinking?" Cavuto wanted to know. "To me, thinking is like plotting, and if he’s plotting something,