Take away their sweetest aunt's Medicare
Take away their health care provider and give them an HMO that has minimum benefits
Put their children and grandchildren in a ghetto charter school with no books,no play yard , inexperienced teachers and no principal on duty
Make their jobs require over-time and then take the overtime away
Send all of their able bodied family members to Iraq, including Babs and Jenna Bush, to fight this mistake of a war.
Require them to go to a grocery store in a poverty area and get their groceries for one month. Get medications, get gas
Anytime they get even a boo boo on their finger, send them to sit in an Emergency Room in a poor area of town
Have them each reduce their executive staff by one person and outsource that person to India (then that person could know what it is like to be in a country and not speak the language.) Send that person in India to take the outsourced person's job ( then they will understand multi cultural education!)
Have the Religious RightCons go to a REAL Christian Church that knows how to help its poverty stricken members and community with no strings attached. Help people of all religions and not require them to "find Jesus" - I am a Christian so I feel I have the right to say that one.
Have their daughter get pregnant by a poor boy that she is in love with from the inner city ,of a different race, right before she is ready to go to college and not allow her to have an abortion. Love thast child unconditionally.
Have one of the people in their family "turn Black" like that movie, for one month and see what it feels like to live like a minority in America. Try getting them a job and see how they are rejected because of Affirmative Action.
Have one of their close family members get their $50,000 job cut for one year. Then come back and let DU know if that family member feels good about the fact that his/her new job at McDonald's is a "job boost" on the job scale for the USA.
I could go on and on but I'll stop there.