If you want a fine, free photo editing/paint program, the GIMP is just right for you.
http://gimp.org. The Windows version is fully supported. Recommended for you who can't afford Photoshop. It ain't photoshop, but is very powerful.
http://gimp-app.sourceforge.net/ for you OSX users. It needs X11 which will be in /Applications/utilities in Panther.
If you don't have X11, download it from
http://www.apple.comAbiword, a fine word processor runs on various platforms. It is free to download.
http://www.abisource.com/ I have used this for years, ever since the early days of the project. I like it a lot.
Here is a link to a native port of Abiword for OSX (Panther). This is the download page, so if you have used sourceforge and have a default mirror, it will download auto-magically.
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/abiword/AbiWord-2.1.1-Panther.dmg.bz2?use_default=belnetOf course you can download Open Office if you have broadband, or patience.
http://www.openoffice.org/ I use it. I like it, but will like it more when the Native port for OSX is available. the Windows version is supposed to work well, and will be a good alternative to MS Orfice. It is free.