Richard Clark's testimony was truly great. Finnaly someone with the guts to apologize to the families of 9/11 for the failures of the Clinton and partcularly the Bush Administration to protect America. The three Republican members of the panel tried desperately to discredit Mr. Clarke, but failed miserably due to the fact that they are inferior, cowardly GOP scum, AND due to the fact that Clarke is simple telling the truth and is to smart for them. Richard Clarke is a true American patriot, and he should be commended for his service to our country, and for his willingness to expose the lies and failures of George Bush.
I find it strange that the moronic Bush administration is trying to tell America what a incompetent person Richard Clarke is. After all, Clarke was hired as counter-terror advisor by Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr. Bill Clinton, AND George Bush Jr. if he is such a bad counter-terror official, why did all these aqdministrations hire him? The truth is Clarke is a GREAT Counter-terror official, but because he exposed Bush as a lying coward, Bush is now trying to re-write his history...something Bush is already quite good at.