without crashing my truck or hurting myself while unloading it in the snow and ice. I'm not totally out of the woods yet, but I'm starting to feel some hope. March 1st is like Trucker's Independence Day to me. Warm weather will be here soon and my job will become tolerable again. I do my trucking in southern Ohio, clear across the state along and under I-70. And while there are better places to truck in the winter, I'm certainly thankful that I don't do all of my trucking in places like Minnesota. I think Trucker's Independence Day occurs July 1st up that way. :D
It actually hasn't been too bad this winter and I really shouldn't complain. I think we've had about 12 days when it snowed enough to make the roads hazardous and we've only had two brutal cold snaps. No ice storms so far and I am very thankful for that. Those are the worst.
One of my favorite times of the year is mid-spring when nature is really starting to get green and leafy, signifying the banishment of winter for a while. It seems that all is right in the world at that time and that anything is possible. The seasons really affect my state of mind, and I love them and the way they make me feel except for Old Man Winter. I could do with out him.