My son moved out in November after being w/ me for more than 2 years, and his friend was supposed to move out this weekend after being w/ me for 1.5 years. I planned to spend a few months living alone before I get married some time later this year.
The friend got arrested Saturday night. I don't know exactly what the charges against her are. She was pulled over for having no running lights on the back of her car, apparently there's something to do w/ an unpaid speeding ticket (which means she may have been driving on a suspended license) and she had some pot in the car (as well as a grinder and a bowl).
Mind you, she still has to leave. And I'm not giving her any money. What money I have left after the auto fiasco (having to get my son into a vehicle after he totaled his) is going towards my wedding.
But, chances are, her license is suspended. She works pretty far away, and I'm not doing any more special trips to get her either to or from work, so it's very likely she's about to lose her job. Her car was towed, and it's going to cost her a lot of money to get her car back--and even then, it's not drive-able due to the light situation, so she'll probably have to pay for another tow.
I was planning on being done w/ all of this... and I am done with it. But it turns out that instead of celebrating that I was able to get them out, now I'm witnessing her falling big time. She's not my kid, but she kind of feels like it, which is why I've been as generous as I have been thus far. But I have to say "no" to helping any further. I've done more for this girl than her own family would.
At some point I have to take care of me, and the kids just have to start taking care of themselves. I've really done all I can to help them stand. My son is making great strides. Even he understands that he's in no position to help his friend. He needs to take care of himself and cannot risk losing the financial cushion (it's small but it's there) that we've managed to create for him.
I feel so completely beat up. I don't want to be a witness to what's about to happen. It's hurting me so much.