to the Satellite of Love, the orbiting home of legendary hosts Joel Robinson and Mike Nelson, along with their robotic companions: Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo and Gypsy. Join them as they embark on their 17th, and perhaps most impressive, volume of gut-busting riffs on the classic cinematic missteps of yesteryear! With the shocking inclusion of not one, but two, of the episodes most requested by MSTies around the globe, Mystery Science Theater: XVII promises to be a comedic tour de force to be reckoned with! Films Include: The Crawling Eye, The Beatniks, The Final Sacrifice & Blood Waters Of Dr. Z
Bonus Features
* The Crawling Eye Special Introduction By Joel Hodgson
* Mystery Science Theater Hours Wraps On The Beatniks
* Brand-New Interview With star of The Final Sacrifice Bruce J. Mitchell
* The Main Event: Crow Vs. Crow At Dragon Con 09
* Blood Waters Of Dr. Z Photo Gallery
* Original Trailers & Promos
* And More!