back in the olden days, when we had to walk FIFTEEN MILES to get to a pine email account,
back when we didn't have any of this high-falutin' graphical interface,
I never had to deal with the annoying data-mined and targeted ads that assume so many wrong things about me.
When I see those intrusive ads, I make a note to self: self, never buy that product. never shop at that store. never click on that link.
this is something capitalists will never get, it seems. like when they love a bohemian area and the yupsters move in and drive out all the artists. the area becomes a hollow shell of what it once was... a community with various levels of income, with people who are not always going to make you feel good about consumption, with people who have other ways to define themselves beyond American-idol or Oprah or Martha Stewart demographic.
then they wonder why the place they once thought was so cool is so sterile and fake.