Now, there have been some rumors spread by people (Midlo) who shall (Midlo) remain nameless (MidloMidloMidlo) that the UConn has a small chance of winning this game. I'm here to tell you that it just ain't so. There have also been similar rumors (MidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidlo) that if someone dares to cheer for the Mountaineers over UConn, they will end up on a certain someone's (MidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidlo) uber-super-DTM list. Of course, I know that nobody here would ever be cowardly or low enough to fall for such a ruse. After all, we don't negotiate with (MidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidlo) terrorists, especially ones that drive Minivans, play Bunco, and have notorious Freeper grills (MidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidloMidlo).
So, in conclusion: LET'S GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!! And allow me to be gracious enough to extend my heartfelt sympathies to UConn and their sadly-misguided (Midlo) fans in advance.