My dog gets points for "most considerate dog" after this incident. I was getting ready for work when I head a commotion upstairs. My wife was telling the dog to be careful going down the stairs. He had awakened her by banging on the "baby gate" at the top the stairs that keeps him from going down unescorted. (He's 12, and his footing is not what it used to be). Anyway, I hear my wife again telling him, "Use your caution", which is what we tell him to make him go down the stairs slower. Then, I hear the sound of him slipping just a bit in a rush to get down the stairs. My wife then pops open the door at the bottom of the stairs, and as the dog makes a beeline for the back door, she says, "He is in a real panic. He must really have to go to the bathroom or something". Although this is highly unusual, I think she must be right, and I head towards the back door to open it. The dog stands there, waiting for me to get the door open. When I finally pop it open, he moves about one foot forward, hangs his head out the door, and barfs.
We had a cat that threw up in the house just about every day for almost ten years.