Out of pure curiosity, some laughs, and some silent screams, I Googled "Constance McMillen" in the freerepublic.com website to see what Freepers thought of the decision by her high school in Mississippi to cancel prom because she wanted to take her girlfriend there and wear a tuxedo.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2468945/posts"I hope the parents got together and organized a private, invitation-only event for their kids at an off-campus venue. A private party is a private party, and there is no need to “consult” the ACLU on whom to invite. One little perv ruined it for them all."
"If same sex marriage can’t even pass in California and Oregon, then we the people will not allow this sort of thing in high school. I side with the school district."
"So much for interracial prom dating being a hot button issue in Ole Miss..."
"Yuo might be right..Here in CA my nieces who are 15 and 17 say it is the cool thing to be gay or bi and that everyone does it...
It might be just a phase but it is f**king up a lot of kids lives.."
"I would never tell my child that they need to show they are proud of being a perverse individual. That’s just wrong."
"So the little gurl wanted to take a crap in the punchbowl and got upset when no one wanted to take a drink.
That’s quite the shame.
Maybe shi and hir gurlfriend should thought their cunning stunt all the way through before hand."
"Yes with MTV and 24 hour streaming porn it seems gay/les is becoming the cool thing to do."
HEY! It's not "cool", the kids just
TOLERATE it. What part of "tolerance" don't you understand?
Moving on now,
"Schools shouldn't have proms anyway." This fool must've had an impoverished childhood, huh?
"Sodom & Gomorrah! We know how that turned out!"
"All the taboos are being destroyed, intentionally. I am thoroughly disgusted with the so called “decent” Americans who have let it happen." Hey, at least bestiality and incest are still taboo. And I'm disgusted with the conservative commentators who call themselves decent yet spew racist trash-talk in their rhetoric. Is that not a taboo you're concerned about being destroyed?
"From what i get from my nieces it is more girls than boys and that the guys encourage it, at parties they have spin the bottle with only girls playing and dare with only girls..
I asked do guys play them games and they went “thats icky”..
Reminds me of those guys promoting free love in the 60’s so they could get laid more and not have to give a sh*t about the girl.."
"looks like snookie." :rofl:
"I was not aware that high school proms were sexualized events where school officials condone sexual relations between students of the opposite sex." Erhm, what about the freak dancing and people who sleep together after prom? :eyes:
"Public schools shouldn’t be holding dances and crap anyway, how about we start educating the kids again??
Oops. who am I kidding?" Then why do you vote for fools who constantly defund public schools?
"Of course its the “cool thing”. TV and Hollywood and government all make it the big thing." Again, can't you tell the difference between "cool" and "tolerable"???
And were you not aware of Obama appointing a pedophile as his “Safe-sex schools” czar?
It all fits." Uhhh....:puke:
"What a selfish little b****.
In probably less than a year, she’ll grow out of this gay fad and all she’ll have done is ruin the memory of a lifetime for most of her classmates." OK, :puke: :puke:
HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A FRICKIN' FAD AND NOT A CHOICE, IT'S A SEXUAL ORIENTATION, AND SORRY, REPARATIVE THERAPY DON'T WORK! And it's the frickin' DISTRICT that's probably gonna ruin the "memory of a lifetime" not McMillen.
"She CHOOSES to be a lesbian and then in typical fashion of liberals whines when her choices are not held up as equal and normal...THEY ARE NOT. I will never yield to such people making this demand." :puke: :puke: :puke:
So overall, Free Republic = a bunch of fools who either just don't give a frick and side with the school district or still believe that homosexuality is a choice and a fad.