I'm helping an old friend out by setting up his myspace and facebook for his small neighborhood bar. Long story, but I almost bought the bar back a few years ago (when I had money, ha ha). He doesn't really know much about computers and the internet (he thought the best way to advertise right now was mass email; and couldn't figure out why he had so many bounces!). So I got both of the pages up and running. If you don't know, a business Facebook page can have fans, but cannot ask ppl to be friends like a personal one. If you try to make a personal Facebook for a business and use it that way, Facebook will shut you down with a quickness. So of course I did it the right way and set up a Page for the club. And we had over 150 fans already, so I was happy about that.
Well, last night the friend's wife asked him to ask me for the passcodes so they could get on the pages. Well of course; they're the owners..I texted them right over.
I go to get on the Facebook to re-promote the St. Patty's Day Party (that I used Photoshop the first time to design a flyer for, yay me!) and what happens?
I find out the page had been DE-activated; then RE-activated as a PERSONAL page. I can't access the club page at all; and all these friend requests have been sent out from this personal page.
Of course, finding help on Facebook is IMPOSSIBLE. I finally reported it as a compromised account; then when they let me back on it was still a personal page. Now I believe I have to wait 24 hours to see if they restore the original business page? Not sure..nothing is clear and there is barely a way to directly email support. It's so frustrating I really want to scream.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
SO it may be possible that ALL the people that had JUST become 'fans' of the NEW club page may now have to be courted to become fans of a SECOND club page that I will have to create tomorrow. This is just utter bullshit and not good business - I don't care what the business is.
:banghead: :banghead: