Now if I am not mistaken, and you can correct me if I am wrong on this, but wasn't Fox originally just a Sports Network, before doing Politics?
IF so, then one can see how they treat Politics like its some kind of Sport. Their so called "News" people treat political events like it was a sports event.
Every response of the Republicans, the tea baggers, and all the crazy right wingers, after being handed a defeat, is just as if their team lost the Superbowl.
During the Bush Years, watching Fox was like watching the local Fox Affiliate cheer on their own local baseball team. Sports terms are often used on the network during political events.
Sports announcers were never supposed to be biased or rooting for their favorite teams, the exception being the local Team guy. (example Vin Skully, who is being paid by the Los Angeles Dodgers.)
The Fox Network has their team, the Republicans. The people who watch them, are like those who watch WTBS and the Atlanta Braves.
It makes me think, maybe when the Fox Network started their "News" channel they had to hire on all those extra Sports announcers that they couldn't fit in for their Sports Network.
The way the Republican base is whipped up, its as though they are rabid sports fans. They act like rabid sports fans. When they lose, its the end of the world..
When Bush won the election the phrase was "We Won, you lost, Get Over it". I have heard the same thing from Yankee fans after the World Series.
Fox and Friends seems like the ultimate "Sports Fan" show. Could you imagine JIM ROME doing Politics?
Fox Network even has their own Cheerleaders.
Tell me this is not just a coincidence.
Agree? Disagree?