MSNBC BREAKING, WASHINGTON DC - In a move apparently inspired by Rep. Randy Neugebauer's (TX) shout of "baby killer" on the house floor, Republicans have adopted their latest form of civil disobedience: yelling random quotes from the movie "Fargo" while House is in session.
Earlier today, CSPAN cameras documented the following incidents:
Republican Minority Leader John Boehner shouted "DON'T EVER INTERRUPT ME, JERRY, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) shouted "I'm not gonna debate you, Jerry! I'm not gonna debate! We now want the entire 80,000!"
Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-CA) shouted "UNGUENT! I NEED UNGUENT!"
Republican Whip Eric Cantor shouted "I've got blisters on my fingers," and was then reminded by Boehner that they weren't scheduled to shout random quotes from The Beatles' "White Album" on the House floor until mid-April, so he then shouted "Happy now, asshole? What's with you people? Ya fuckin' imbeciles!," after which Boehner high-fived him and giggled like a schoolgirl on six Red Bulls, yelling "you da MAN, you da MAN" and making fart noises with his armpit.
Majority Steny Hoyer was unavailable for comment.

Republicans Stir Up Dissent? Oh, You Betcha!