I'm a musician, and just went back to school and finished a long over due BA in Music. My husband was just fired. That's another story. I was getting back into the music scene I'm a part of...and was going to start a tutoring and music lesson business as well. And I have some younger guys that want me to do some management/booking for them. I can still do all that, but I think it is going to have to be on hold for a while, at least with a full time effort. My initial plan was to just break even on my music efforts as to not cost the household much money. In addition to this, I was planning on keeping up/continuing with working on learning spanish...either self study or getting a masters in spanish.
Since we are both now unemployed, I'm going to have to look for non-music work, something that might offer benefits.
(I'm a real musician, in other words, I've done lots of thing to support my songwriting addiction, but seriously, that's an inside joke, but like many talented regional acts, we have to work. Being a professional musician is a money losing business, but I digress.)
I'm playing some "what if" games, trying to think of what is the best thing to do, as far as insurance goes. With the field he is in, he will likely find work; it's mostly a matter of WHERE we will end up. It's likely we will have to move. It's the nature of his skill set. His skill set is very specialized. And no matter where we are, his job efforts will come first as he's the one most likely to make more money because of his skill set.
We've been married just 3 years, we're in our late 30's...no kids...for now.
...my non-music back ground is in admin and recruiting, but it's a good one....I don't think I'll have trouble finding SOMETHING...it's just a matter of what that something will be, and how much they will pay.
In the mean time, if I happen to get employed, before he does, I'm not sure how all this insurance stuff (cobra and new health insurance reforms) plays out.
Right now we are covered through the end of May by a severance package, premiums are paid. I'm "assuming" that we will end up on paying our own premiums through cobra with his current health care. Our insurance plan is a very good one (union plan); the only thing better would be federal benefits. So the $1200 per month cost we are looking at is worth it to us, because my husband has some special medicine needs and they pay 100% on almost everything with no deductable, so its a big, big no-brainer. We know things will be tight, but we can make it if he's on unemployment, and I can find work to cover the cost of the health care. We have do have some cash...and he can get some side work, and could get work on the family farm if necessary. That's where we are, for now, at least.
He's looking at federal work that would come with federal benefits...because his skills could be used by the feds, so we are hoping this is what happens for him... BUT...like I said I am playing "what if"...so I am going to look for federal jobs also, because of benefits. Really this is not, for ME, the direction I wanted to go with respect to my work/career. But with his health needs, I just want to do what's best for him...seeing how it could get very pricey for us, with his health needs, if we were on most employers' 80/20 (or worse) shitty coverage plans.
Sorry, just needed to get all this off my chest a little...and I'm sorry for this lengthy post, but I'm looking for some guidance or suggestions about insurance: I understand how Cobra works, initially, getting it setup is not really my question. **if he or I find non federal work and they offer benefits, will one or both of us have to sign up for them once they are available?...or...Can we keep our coverage via cobra until it runs out....then go with a new employer's plan? How does that work? How do the new reforms help us? Also, I read if his former employer goes out of business (not likely but you never know now days, or if they fire everyone to break the union), Cobra will be gone...so would we move to an employer's plan if we were working, but still on Cobra? ..because I know if we were still unemployed we would either go into the exchange? or medicaid?...or I have no idea if he would qualify for the high risk pool.
I've read though some things on the internet, but I'm not really clear about it all.
Looking for some educated answers, please. Thanks.