:wtf: Underpants????
http://www.ctpost.com/news/article/Stamford-High-security-guard-accused-of-buying-428313.phpSTAMFORD -- The 52-year-old Stamford High School security guard charged with fourth-degree sexual assault allegedly bought underwear from a 15-year-old female student at the high school, police said.
Pasquale Mecca, 52, of Diaz St., Stamford, was charged Monday afternoon with a single count of fourth-degree sexual assault and three counts of risk of injury to a minor. He was released from custody after posting a $25,000 bond.
Police say the investigation into Mecca began when the girl's guardian questioned her about having large amounts of cash, said police Lt. James Matheny. The girl allegedly said she was paid by Mecca in exchange for her underwear.
The exchanges took place both on and off school grounds, during school hours and when school was not in session, police said.
Investigators took statements from the girl, her guardian and Mecca, who admitted that he bought girl's underwear and also had improper physical contact with her on at least one occasion.
What is wrong with people.