... and I thought, now that healthcare has passed, maybe I could work on one of those new Death Panels that they're gonna be setting up. Say, they're not actually gonna be calling them that, are they? Well, whatever they're calling them, I thought that sounds like a pretty sweet gig, you know, rationing healthcare, euthanizing the old, the infirm, and the fiscally conservative & whatnot. So I went all through the want ads, figuring they were gonna be posting those right about now, maybe under the jobs stimulus or whatever, and I looked and looked and looked and I just couldn't find job notices for anything at all like that. Not anywhere.
Am I looking in the wrong place? Cause I think I'd be pretty good at a a job like "Death Panelist"--and I'm such a bleeding heart when it comes to medical ethics and I'd totally be the Paula and not the Simon there, but, you know, not drunk or sleeping with any of the contestants or whatever they're calling them. Yeah, "contestants" would probably send people the wrong signal, although who knows maybe competitive healthcare rationing was one of those Republican ideas that got written into the plan. But whatever, I'm flexible. I can go with the flow. I'm looking for a job, not a career at this point.
So, like I was saying, I'm looking around for the job listings on those Death Panel jobs they are gonna be hiring for now and I just can't find them. And then I thought, maybe the problem is that I just don't know who the "They" are who's gonna be running and hiring on those Death Panels (that really just sounds wronger and wronger the more you say that--Democrats just suck at marketing). So, the help I'm looking for is, like, does anyone know what branch of the federal government is going to be hiring the Death Panelists?
For that matter, as I scanned through the want ads, I was thinking, you know, where were any of those jobs they would have to be hiring for for that humongo massive bureaucracy they were gonna be setting up for the McColossal gimagnetic takeover of the healthcare industry? I saw a bunch of entry level clerk jobs listed for some of those pharmeceutical firms and health insurance agencies and stuff like that. But there wasn't jack diddly, job-wise, to see as far as Death Panelist, X-ray Machine blocker, Medicine Redistributionist, Islamic Indoctrinator, Physician Censor, Form Processor for the Bureau of Forced Abortions, or Bunny Crusher.
Dudes, what's the dealio? Someone, please help me!