This little burg has the dismaying scent of decay everywhere.
I'm staying here while doing a hospital rotation in Aberdeen for P.A. School. A local doctor set up his rental house as student lodging, and I'm staying here because it's too far to drive back to Puyallup every day. Plus, I need to be close to the hospital if something happens.
But Montesano has the feel of a post-industrial town in a Springsteen song. Boarded-up houses, empty businesses, lonely, near-empty restaurants that provide mediocre food and lots of oblivion-offering liquor. The tumble-down houses grow lawns of moss, instead of grass. The legendary Northwest overcast is here a permanent fixture, and an unending drizzle drip-drips outside my window.
Everyone native to the town seems to be middle-aged. There are almost no young people. I guess they get out while the getting's good. And no very old people. I guess shuffling off the mortal coil is preferable to living here for any length of time.
I walked a couple of blocks to an Italian restaurant/lounge that I wouldn't look at twice back home. Wanted some dinner and a few drinks. The waitress/bartender barely looked twice at me, either. I wasn't a local, and not worth her time, evidently. I practically had to arm-wrestle her best two-out-of-three to get a plate of manicotti and a couple of beers. I ate as quickly as I could while the smattering of locals gossiped and reminisced in very loud voices. Every one of them had beer-bellies, beer-brand tee-shirts, and baseball caps.
I came back to my lodging and went to my room. I'm depressed, and stuck in this place until the weekend...
I'm glad I have my DU friends. Don't know what I'd do without you in this place...