My momarooni does a lot for me, for example today she drove me to see my friends so I could play and get a tattoo ( it was a free one at that, he did it as an exchange for some paintings I did for him). Anyway, I offered to go to mass with her tomorrow so she wouldn't have to go alone. She is very active in her Catholic Church and I know she was really happy when I offered to go. The least I could do.
It has been a long while since I have been to church.....and if you take weddings, funerals, and anniversary masses out, its been almost 20 years.
It remains to be seen if I burst into flames when I enter.....hehe
I am actually kind of curious and interested in how mass has changed since I was young, my mom is always telling about new happenings.
I told her that I would not be taking communion I have enough respect for her beliefs to know it would be wrong to take part having not done confession in 25 years, I don't believe it is the body of Christ, or in pretty much anything the church holds sacred. She appreciated that it was out of respect for her and said she was just happy I was going with her.
Little known facts about RP
When I was 9 and 10 years old I was an alter girl in a Catholic Church.
I made my first communion and confirmation.
I got sucked into the Young Life (Christian teen cult) for a whole year at age 13
Having seen the light I am a new age buddhist wiccan goddess spiritual reiki sometimes atheist agnostic can't label my faith kind of woman these days.
me today, brand new ink on my hand there.