...double-shift hours is much better than working a split-shift job.
Double shifts and I knew all I could do is go home and DROP into bed
and struggle to get up the next day. Money? STU-FREAKIN'-PENDOUS!!!
I tended bar (in my favorite bartending location) where I was working
lunches from 11:00 - 2:30 or so and then coming back and working from
5:00 - midnight.
Anyone who's worked night hours in a bar KNOWS how wound up you are
and that when you get off work, it's like someone working "normal"
hours getting off at 5 PM.
Working those split hours was MUCH harder than working a double-shift.
My sleep patterns were nonexistent... and eventually, I fell asleep behind
the wheel and totalled my car (scratch on the forehead, but I murdered
one of the last of the great muscle cars -- a BEAUTIFUL 1971 Dodge Charger).
Be careful and (SERIOUSLY) focus when you're driving during these days.
The money's great, but you need to put a lot more time and effort into
making sure you're still around to reap the benefits. Diet and making sure
you get some serious decompression time (to include rest, relaxation AND
fun) is important.