Sometimes? Occasionally?
I used to drink a LOT (I wish I had a 48-point font to make that emphasis),
but it was always fun, fun, fun.
Well... there was this once (seriously, I can only remember once... though
you KNOW there's that whole "befuddled" thing with heavy alcohol use).
That night, I broke up with my GF of about 4-5 years (she was thinking
marriage... I wasn't) and it wasn't pretty -- both saying some hurt and
hurtful things. I went home and could NOT cope with it at all.
Went to my regular bar and started ordering doubles on the rocks and just
putting them down at a relatively quick and steady pace without a word to
anyone, not even the bartender (I would raise my empty glass, he would
raise his eyebrows, and I would nod -- we were both exceptionally fluent
in Saloonese. He (a GOOD bartender and an even BETTER person) eventually
came over and PLANTED himself in front of me and asked if I were alright
(he would have focused on me, if I had needed it). I told him that I was
NOT, but if he kept feeding me drinks, I would be. He knew I walked there
and that home was only about 3 blocks almost no-traffic blocks away.
Very drunk... and not a
millisecond of fun during the whole process of
getting that way. VERY physically pained the next day (and the root causes
were still there), but it did what I needed done when I probably most needed
it done.
Onliest time I can think of (by the way... although I had been married
BEFORE that, NOW I think of this particular woman as "the ONE that got
away" -- and there are no others of which I think that -- what a fucking
Talk about denial!!! I'm reading this over and had completely forgotten what
I refer to as "my soggy year". I had taken "'til death do us part" VERY
seriously, and when my ex and I split (15 years or so prior to the above
incident), I would leave work and head straight to the bar and close it,
7 days a week, speaking to no one but my bartender (and only then to stay
on her good side so that she would bring me more alcohol promptly when
desired). Almost a year to the day when one of the waitresses there, in
having fun on her night off, talked me into taking her home with me.
I was INSTANTLY reminded that
YESYESYESYESYES, life IS worth living and
I went from zero to full-throttle enjoyable life again in about 10 seconds.
C'MON, cut me some slack... it HAD been a full year.
Within a week, we were living together. Only lasted 3-4 months, but I will
be forever grateful to her for the help she gave me when I needed it most.
But I still think of the woman in the first story as THE one that got away.
Many use a drink or two to unwind -- I'm asking about some serious drinking
done to help "cope" with more than just the daily annoying humdrum grind.
I STILL unwind with a glass or two of red wine once a month or so (fireplace
in a bottle for me). It helps me cope in the same way as taking a walk or
laughing with friends does and it's not done at any conceivably harmful level.
How about you?
